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Select Board Meeting Minutes 7/30/12
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 7/30/12

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Scott Jenssen, Chairperson, Muriel Lazzarini and Wayne Burkhart
Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Maggie Leonard and Susan Gallant for the Monterey News, Maynard Forbes, Deborah Mielke, Chief Backhaus, Pat Edelstein and Sean Stanton

The board met with Director of Operations, Maynard Forbes’ to review the following:
1.  M. Forbes commented that there is a lot of misinformation and blame toward the town on the delay of the opening of the store and he’s hoping that the Select Board will make some sort of statement to clear up some of the rumors.  It was noted that two weeks ago was the first time that the owner of the store applied for permits even though Town Officials have met with him several times since April letting him know what was going to be needed from him in order to open.  The Board asked M. Noe and M. Forbes for a timeline of events regarding meetings and permitting for the store to help residents better understand the cause for the delay and will submit a letter to the editor of the Monterey News for the August edition.
2.  A capital schedule for Highway equipment and projects was provided to the Board.
3.  Maynard spoke with Gould Farm about the “pond” forming at Roadside.  The work to fix the issue will most likely be done by the Highway Crew.
4.  Muriel asked some questions regarding how the TIP list works.
5.  Tree Warden Vacancy: M. Forbes would like to be part of the process.  To date the Board has not received any letters of interest to fulfill the position.  Maynard commended Shaylan on the job he did while in the position.  Changing the position from elected to appointed to open the pool to more people was also discussed.

The board met with Police Chief, Gareth Backhaus to review the following:
1.  The Board discussed with the Chief the letter to the editor the Board will be submitting regarding their request to the Police Department to step up patrols and enforcement.  This letter will go to the Monterey News and the Berkshire Record.
2.  The second speed trailer is still being repaired.

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  Deborah Mielke, Town Clerk provided a list of reappointments to be made for the Board of Registrars.  She also provided her hours for the week of July 30 – Aug 6 which will be: 7/30 - 9am to 5pm, 7/31 – 9am – 5pm and 8/4 – 8:30am to 12:30pm (the 20 hours will begin next week)  She informed the Board that this week will be her last week holding Saturday hours as she has found them to be an unproductive day to be open, she will hold hours on Saturday by appointment if necessary.  Going forward her hours will be posted on the website so residents will know which 20 hours the office will be open and she will provide this to the Board weekly.  Town Counsel did advise that if the Board was going to institute any new personnel policies regarding time off benefits and prorating them based on the number of hours that an employee works, they should consult with a Labor Lawyer as this is not his area of expertise.
2.  Pat Edelstein came in to inform the Board of the Friends of Lake Garfield’s intent to file a RDA with the Conservation Commission regarding the mitigation of weeds surrounding property owner’s docks.
3.  Maggie Leonard introduced Susan Gallant to the Board; Susan is interested in becoming the new Monterey News reporter.
4.  Scott Jenssen recused himself.  Muriel Lazzarini made a motion to move the question regarding the nuisance dog and require Sean Stanton to confine the chickens in the coop from dusk to dawn and remove the dog from the property during these hours.  Sean did not agree with this motion and Town Counsel was called to confirm how the motion needed to be made.  A motion was made to act on the petition pursuant to MGL Chapter 140 section 157.  Muriel Lazzarini voted to act on the question.  Wayne seconded.  It was open to discussion.  Muriel called for a vote.  Muriel voted “aye” to allow the petition to restrain the dog and Wayne voted “nay” to not allow the position.  Town Counsel will write the decision today to be filed.  Sean appreciated how the Board handled the entire hearing and realized that this was a difficult process for everyone involved.  Muriel stated that she appreciated Sean’s attitude and demeanor throughout this whole process.
5.  Scott Jenssen returned.
6.  A motion was made to appoint Fran Amidon, Sally Pullen and Rosemary McAlister as Registrars for a term of three years.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
7.  The minutes from 7.23.12 were approved as written.  M. Noe was commended for her very thorough and accurate account of the decision making process regarding the nuisance dog issue.
8.  The Board agreed that a more appropriate name for the Employee Compensation Committee is the Employee Compensation Advisory Committee as they only research and then make recommendations to the Select Board and Finance Committee for the town to vote on.  The Employee Compensation Advisory Committee will hold their first meeting tomorrow (7/31) at the Town Hall at 10am.  Muriel asked Scott and Wayne if they had any items that they felt were important to have the committee work on.  Some of the items she suggested should be looked at were new studies on salaries for full and part time employees (since it has been several years), new studies on benefits packages for full and part time employees and elected officials, study on procedures for potentially instituting performance/merit reviews, etc.  The only person unable to attend this meeting is Mickey Jervas but she has been sent copies of the items to be reviewed.
9.  Scott stated that the Monterey School Study Committee will be meeting at the Town Hall tonight to review their observations and findings from the site visit made last week to the Monterey School building.  He noted that the building is not in very good shape and needs some attention.
10.  The American Flag that was donated will be placed in the care of Officer Johnson to be flown on special occasions.  Muriel suggested that it also be hung in the firehouse for town meetings with a note stating who it was donated by.
11.  Muriel informed the other members of her conversation with Chief Backhaus.  He stated that there are more Officials that have access to the Inter-Departmental Secretary’s office than just him.  She is satisfied with this and the Board has agreed that an additional key for the Select Board Chair is not necessary as there should always be someone that could let them in in an emergency.
12.  The Board agreed that they will have the Employee Compensation Advisory Committee draft a request to the Treasurer with regards to creating a Health Insurance Benefits Denial form for eligible employees that choose not to take advantage of this option as was recommended by Town Counsel.
13.  The Board is going to put another ad in the Monterey News requesting interested parties to submit letters of interest for the vacant Tree Warden position.
14.  It was noted that Maria Rundell has filed nomination papers for the Monterey School Committee representative elected position.
15.  There is a search committee comprised of the current Superintendant and 2 current School Committee members meeting on Monday, August 6th to begin the search for the new Superintendant.
16.  Muriel stated that the Board should speak with the Finance Committee & the Town Accountant regarding the additional $18k that will be needed to cover the town’s portions of the health insurance benefit now being given to the Town Clerk.  She feels that the conversations on where the money should/can come from should start earlier rather than later.
17.  Muriel asked for an update on the Town Nurse proposal feasibility survey(s).  M. Noe stated that the provider survey went out and the deadline for responses is tomorrow (7/31).  The data will then be compiled and reviewed and then the survey to residents will be created and sent out.
18.  The Board began a discussion of the problems that the town will be facing in applying for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funds.  The cost of grant writing and the need to couple with New Marlborough in this endeavor were considered.  The board asked M. Noe to send another letter to Representative Pignatelli and Senator Downing to follow-up on previously unanswered communications regarding this specific matter.
19.  The Select Board will be holding their annual 2nd Homeowner’s meeting this Saturday at 10am at the Town Hall.
20.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  A list from MIIA with the town’s covered vehicles and buildings.  Maynard and Chief Backhaus will review and make any necessary changes.
b.  Copy of a letter from the Board of health to the owners of 26 New Marlboro Rd (dated July 9, 2012).
c.  Letter from the MMA regarding the 6th grade statewide essay contest.  The Town of Monterey will participate.  M. Noe will fax the form to MMA later today.
21.  Warrants were signed.
22.  Inter-Departmental Secretary’s weekly report reviewed.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 11am

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Inter-Departmental Secretary
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book